Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Beautiful Scenery and Fresh Air of Pangrango Mountain

            When we have arrived on the Pangrango mountain on Puncak, Bogor, the fresh water and beauty landscape is receiving us firstly. Eventhough the distance is so far enough from the capital city, Jakarta, but people is still going to there. Their main destination is giving theirself the relaxation and  refreshing from their  tired full routine activities. Automatically, people who get tired in their daily activities will be enjoy when they got fun and feel comfort there.
            Over there, I had ever felt the comfortable condition. The distance between Puncak Pass and my house is so far enough and feel tired on the street, however those all can be paid by getting our destination on there. We can see the beautiful green lands tea around us from puncak pass. Besides that the curving street and the villa house are seen by us as one of panorama which is served by this nature tourism.
            Pangrango Mountain or Puncak Pass that usually is called by us is the famous nature tourism for domestic tourist even foreigner. It is possible if the Puncak Pass become the best tourism destination in Ciawi Bogor, West Java. Moreover as the nature tourism, Puncak Pass is known as area which produced many kinds of tea. The Biggest tea garden ( PT. Perkebunan Nusantara VIII Gunung Mas ) is built by colonialism government about many years ago. The tea garden has produced many kinds of tea, such as black tea and green tea. It is became the landmark of area by local government.
In addition we can find many recreations place and agricultural tourism there, such as The large garden of green tea, hang glider and cycling mountain sport area. The interesting famous recreations place are the safari park, flowers garden, and a mosque with unique and simple architecture that usually called Atta’awun, for moslems. If you get tired on puncak, don’t worry, there are so many villas that available for all tourist. In fact,  the villas is has reached cost by all visitor for one night or more.

               Not only recreation places and agricultural tourism that we found on Pangrango Mountain, but also many venders street which sold some snacks. Many tourist who wants to buy or to taste the sweets from them, such as barbeque corns, toast bread, the cassava chip, etc. For drinks like a cup of coffee, a glass of ginger and the hot chocolate. Absolutely, a cup of tea as the special drinks from this area. Therefore, Puncak Pass is not famous tourism place only with the beauty scenery, but also as culinary places that always visited by domestic and international tourist, especially on the week end or holiday. 


Throwing Wheat Flour Actions on Television are Imitated by Children

            Indonesia Broadcasting Commission (KPI) has warned about throwing flours action on TV. In fact, the action is imitated by some children and almost make them be blind in Lampung. The Delegate of Broadcasting Commission (KPI) Iddy Muzayyad is said that he got a report from parents about the accident of throwing flours which experienced by their children. In the report, the parents want the Broadcasting Commission give some warnings to the performers on TV that do those bad actions.
            “ Eventhough the warnings has written ‘don’t try this at home’, but audiences just seen the actions and ignore the warnings “ said Idy when he was talking with Okezone, Thursday (October 10th, 2013). According to Idy’s report, the reports which are entered to Broadcasting Commission is not only from Lampung, but the reports which from Lampung make anxious all people because some children are almost getting blind.
            Some people says “ The action of throwing flours is dangerous and useless joke for children, then will become violence habit around them in the future”. Certainly, it will be dangerous attitude for them if there is no responds from us as adult and parents. Moreover, some violences actions like mutual hitting on tv can create negative impacts on public later. It should handled immediately, not only from Broadcasting Commission, but also all society aspects.

            Therefore, The Delegate of Broadcasting Commision is calling of director from every television channel to discuss about complaint reports from audiences. Iddy muzayyad wish all the reports can be solved and find out the best way to television programs, in order to decrease the violence actions, such as throwing flour and mutual hitting actions. Moreover, it should create the programs classification on every channel. “ so audiences can be more selective in choosing programs, it is for kids, parents guidience, or mature” said Iddy Muzayyad as Broadcasting Commissions Delegation.


The Four Suns Has Arisen in China’s Sky

            The natural phenomenon  of appearing four suns in China had surprised people there. It is impossible phenomenon that never thought by the citizens. Chinese had known the phenomenon from the video have been sharing in public. How do the phenomenon can be happened in China’s sky ? the answers will investigate in this topic together.
            In local journal news, the appearing four suns is explained in science as atmospheric phenomenon that familiar in scientist community. The name’s phenomenon is sun dog which is seen with parhelic circle  on the sky. It said that the appearing of four suns in China as the natural phenomenon is happened rarely in the earth.
            The explanation of the phenomenon is classified by Thomas Djamaludin as senior astronomy and astrophisycs in The National Institute of Aviation and Space, while was calling on Wednesday (25/8). Thomas said “ this phenomenon is created by sunshine deviation on ice cristal, the phenomenon is usually arisen in east that is not far from natural skyline”. Absolutely, from the skyline as place sunrise usually appears ice crystals which is deviated the shine. Normally, it created two phenomenons are usually called as halo and sun dog.
            What do will happen in nex time, actually? After the natural phenomenon happened around us, such as the melting of north pole, meteorite in Cirebon and sun tsunami. Perhaps, it is a warning for us that human have to consider about the biggest power in the world is the mighty god, Allah SWT, So everyone can increase their faithfulness everytime.


Idul Adha Event as The Way of Keeping The Faithfulness and Tolerance in People

            Moslems in the world is attending their biggest moment that different with Idul fitri usually called as Idul Adha or Idul Kurban. We can see the activities of cutting animals as the sacrificing sacred religious ceremonial in many places. Country which has majority moslem people always held this religious program to show their faithfulness to god and can be useful for others. People always cut the mammals, such as cows, buffaloes, goats, sheeps, and camels as the Kurban’s animals.
            The Idul Adha program always be held on Dzulhizah moslem’s month, actually on every Dzulhizah 13 th,or same with the condition moslems in Arafah Desert, Saudi Arabia  that doing wukuf together. Over there,  they follow and remmember  the history of  Ibrahim and Ismail prophet. About many years ago, They got challenge from Allah to show their faithfulness. Ibrahim dream and got commandement from god to cut his beloved son, Ismail, as his sacrificing. Ibrahim told his dream to his son fully about commandement to cut his neck. Ismail agreed with the god’s commandement to show their faithful to god, but when Ibrahim would cut Ismail’s neck, Allah changed him by the big goat which appeared suddenly.

            The story of Ibrahim and Ismail prophet  that is made the way of moslems  to show their faithfulness to god and giving full to another who need helping in the future. People can get  some meanings from Idul Adha event. They can give helping to another who still in down economical situation. In other hand, they can also learn how to keeping  the tolerance in people that had described by Ibrahim and Ismail prophet story that showed us about the lesson of faithfulness to the biggest god, Allah SWT and finished the challenges patiently. 
